
Using Telephone Recorders when dealing with Big Companies

August 26th, 2017 in Security and Surveillance
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Telephone recorders are rapidly becoming everyday items that are just standard devices to stash in a purse or shoulder bag. We’re seeing them pop up more and more in classrooms, meeting rooms, and offices.

A good telephone recorder can be used with Bluetooth systems and record cell phones, and be handheld and easy to carry. They offer amazing features like huge amounts of memory and great security.

But why use them when dealing with a big company? Here are a few reasons why we recommend recording any conversations you have with big companies.

1.    Protect yourself
Have you ever thought back over a conversation and wondered if they promised something and then reneged? If the conversation is recorded, you have the audio proof right there and you can prove what they said.

2.    You can go back and do research
Instead of asking them for clarification if you don’t understand what they’re talking about, or if they bring up some paperwork that you don’t have access to, you can use your recording to do a little digging when the call is over.

3.    Saves from trying to type or write everything down when speaking
If you’ve ever tried to write things down while you’re talking, you know just how difficult this is. By recording the conversation, you can focus on what’s being said and not lose focus while writing it out.

4.    They’re recording you
You’ve heard those announcements whenever you’re dealing with a company on the phone where they tell you that they’re recording the call for customer service reasons. They’re also recording it to protect themselves in case something bad happens. Why not take the same precautions?

Recording conversations with large companies is just good business and smart for the average person. So come in to The Spy Store and get the latest in phone recording devices.

The Spy Store – For All Your Spy Equipment Needs Including; Cameras, Recorders, Radios, Night Vision, And Other Security Products.

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